Thursday, August 30, 2012

NE OK Americans United meeting postponed

The meeting described below is being postponed until a later date.

As the Vice President of North Eastern Oklahoma's Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (AU) I am calling a reorganizational (election) meeting -- which will be held at approximately 1:00 PM (right after the Humanist luncheon) at the North Tulsa Unitarian Church of the Restoration.

Please notify Dan Nerren (918-798-3629) of your intention to be a candidate for any AU office (self-nominations permitted).

Dan Nerren will chair the election process.

I will be out of town during the election -- and have authorized Dan Nerren to vote on my behalf.

Bill Dusenberry

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

FFRF Tulsa to meet at Hardesty Library

FFRF Tulsa Chapter Agenda

June 20, 2012 6:00pm

Tulsa city council prayers- One of the most frequent complaints to the Freedom From Religion Foundation from the public over state/church violations concerns government officials opening government meetings with prayer.

30 minutes

We will discuss more detail of this at the meeting.

Stand Up for Freedom from Religion

June 8 rally conducted by the Roman Catholic Church

Did you attend the counter protest in Tulsa? Please share what you encountered.

15 minutes

Churches and Political Campaign Activity

Churches and other nonprofits are strictly prohibited from engaging in political campaigning.

15 minutes

We need more officers/board members for FFRF Tulsa chapter if you’re interested in running for an officer position that is open listed below please announce at the meeting or email me at

10 minutes

Officers for FFRF

President/Director: Rhonda Dorle

Vice Pres/Assistant Director:


Treasurer: Lee Brashear

Leaders in charge of


Head of Publicity:

Web-site Development:

Coordinator of state Colleges and Universities development:

Who’s going to FreeOK 2012 June 23rd?

Tickets are $10.00 to purchase tickets go to, ticket prices go up to $15.00 at the door.

Eric Yost one of the presidents of ACT will be talking about FreeOK and answering any questions you might have.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tulsa Action Alert

Here is the latest Action Alert from FFRF.  The location is in downtown Tulsa at 6th and Main.

FFRF News Releases
Freethought Radio
Media Coverage/FFRF in the News

Freethought of the Day

Action Alert

Counterpicket Friday, June 8

Stand Up: Stop the war against reproductive choice

June 6, 2012

Dear FFRF'er:

As you are already well-aware, the religious right is waging a war on women's health care through a nationwide movement to stop the Health and Human Services mandate.

Stand Up For Religious Freedom is a brand new coalition, led by the Pro-Life Action League and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society. Together, these organizations have established a nationwide rally to "stop the HHS mandate."

The rallies will be held across the nation on Friday, June 8 at 12 p.m.

This presents an opportunity for the freethought community to "stand up for freedom from religion." At noon on Friday we ask you to help FFRF stand up to Catholic bullies. Take part in a counterprotest. Chances are the coalition has an event scheduled in your city.

To see where the Catholic Church is holding its phony "religious freedom" pickets, visit the Stand up For Religious Freedom webpage.

Create your own protest sign or print out FFRF's red-white-and-blue slogan. (Click on the image below to view and print a high-resolution file.)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April meeting

FFRF Tulsa will meet on Wednesday, April 18, at Hardesty Library, Pecan Room at 6 pm.