Friday, December 24, 2010
Photos wanted
Anyone who attended any of the events of last weekend and took pictures, please email your pictures to FFRF in Madison, WI. Send to:
Monday, December 6, 2010
Annie's Tulsa Schedule
FFRF Tulsa met Sunday afternoon to plan the itinerary for FFRF co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor while she is in Tulsa. Below is a schedule of activities.
Annie’s Tulsa Schedule
(The person providing transportation is listed in parenthesis.)
Fri., 12/17, 2pm
Dusenberry and McDaniels meet Annie at airport. (Dusenberry)
Fri., 12/17, 3pm
Annie meets Bill Sherman at Tulsa World for an interview. (Dusenberry)
Fri., 12/17, 7 pm
FFRF members meets Annie at home of Bill Dusenberry, 6108 Birmingham Circle, Broken Arrow.
Sat., 12/18, 10 am ***NOTE: new time***
Annie goes to ORU for photo op. (Dusenberry)
Sat., 12/18, 11am
Brunch at Kilkenny’s (Bradley)
Sat., 12/18, 2 pm
HAT meeting at Genealogy Center; Annie speaks. (Bradley)
Sat., 12/18, 5 pm
Dinner at Boston Deli (Bradley)
Sat., 12/18, 8 pm
Solstice party at Bradleys (Bradley)
Sun., 12/19, 9am
We all join Annie for breakfast at a restaurant; venue TBA. (Bradley)
Sun., 12/19, 12pm
Annie goes to airport. (Bradley)
If any changes need to be made to this schedule, please give me a call.
FFRF Tulsa met Sunday afternoon to plan the itinerary for FFRF co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor while she is in Tulsa. Below is a schedule of activities.
Annie’s Tulsa Schedule
(The person providing transportation is listed in parenthesis.)
Fri., 12/17, 2pm
Dusenberry and McDaniels meet Annie at airport. (Dusenberry)
Fri., 12/17, 3pm
Annie meets Bill Sherman at Tulsa World for an interview. (Dusenberry)
Fri., 12/17, 7 pm
FFRF members meets Annie at home of Bill Dusenberry, 6108 Birmingham Circle, Broken Arrow.
Sat., 12/18, 10 am ***NOTE: new time***
Annie goes to ORU for photo op. (Dusenberry)
Sat., 12/18, 11am
Brunch at Kilkenny’s (Bradley)
Sat., 12/18, 2 pm
HAT meeting at Genealogy Center; Annie speaks. (Bradley)
Sat., 12/18, 5 pm
Dinner at Boston Deli (Bradley)
Sat., 12/18, 8 pm
Solstice party at Bradleys (Bradley)
Sun., 12/19, 9am
We all join Annie for breakfast at a restaurant; venue TBA. (Bradley)
Sun., 12/19, 12pm
Annie goes to airport. (Bradley)
If any changes need to be made to this schedule, please give me a call.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Time change
Please note the time change for the FFRF Tulsa meeting for Sunday, 10.24.10. The meeting will run from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Announcing another FFRF Tulsa meeting
There will be another meeting of FFRF Tulsa this coming Sunday, October 24, 4 to 5 pm, at Randy's, 6705 E. 54th Street in Tulsa.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
FFRF Tulsa at the Billboard
Monday, September 13, 2010
September calendar
September 2010 Calendar of Activities for Freethinkers
Sat., Sept. 4, 7:00 pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 5607 E. 54th St.
Fri., Sept. 10, 7:00 pm
Poetry Group meets at Border’s Bookstore, 2nd floor
Sat. Sept. 11, all day
Road trip to Diamond, MO to visit GWC National Monument
Sun., Sept. 12, 11:00 am
Humanist Sunday at Church of the Restoration, 1314 N. Greenwood Ave.
Speaker: Marilyn Clarke. Meal follows.
Sun., Sept. 12, 1:30 pm
Humanist Discussion Group, Herb’s house, 3414 E. 85 Pl.
Discussion will be based on articles from the current issue of The Humanist magazine.
Wed., Sept. 15, 11:20 am
ALGAE at White River Fish Market, 1708 N. Sheridan
Sept. ??, TBA
Tulsa Atheists Mid-Month Social, TBA
Sat., Sept. 18., 2:00 pm
HAT Chapter Meeting at Genealogy Center, 2901 S. Harvard.
Sat., Sept. 25, 11:30 am
Food & Fellowship at Rib Crib, 5025 S. Sheridan
Sun., Sept. 26, 1:00 pm
Tulsa Atheists Meetup, at Agora Coffee House in Fontana Center.
Questions? Call Randy (622-6975) or Dan (798-3629)
Sat., Sept. 4, 7:00 pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 5607 E. 54th St.
Fri., Sept. 10, 7:00 pm
Poetry Group meets at Border’s Bookstore, 2nd floor
Sat. Sept. 11, all day
Road trip to Diamond, MO to visit GWC National Monument
Sun., Sept. 12, 11:00 am
Humanist Sunday at Church of the Restoration, 1314 N. Greenwood Ave.
Speaker: Marilyn Clarke. Meal follows.
Sun., Sept. 12, 1:30 pm
Humanist Discussion Group, Herb’s house, 3414 E. 85 Pl.
Discussion will be based on articles from the current issue of The Humanist magazine.
Wed., Sept. 15, 11:20 am
ALGAE at White River Fish Market, 1708 N. Sheridan
Sept. ??, TBA
Tulsa Atheists Mid-Month Social, TBA
Sat., Sept. 18., 2:00 pm
HAT Chapter Meeting at Genealogy Center, 2901 S. Harvard.
Sat., Sept. 25, 11:30 am
Food & Fellowship at Rib Crib, 5025 S. Sheridan
Sun., Sept. 26, 1:00 pm
Tulsa Atheists Meetup, at Agora Coffee House in Fontana Center.
Questions? Call Randy (622-6975) or Dan (798-3629)
Postcard has wrong address
Today I received a postcard from FFRF in Madison, Wisconsin notifying me about a photo opportunity in Tulsa. The Tulsa chapter of FFRF will be photographed with a billboard calling attention to the fact that Senator Thomas Gore, the state's first senator, was an atheist.
The postcard says to meet somewhere on 32nd Street prior to going to the photographing sight. That is incorrect. Those who want to go with the group to the billboard the day of the picture taking should meet at the Genealogy Center at 29th and Harvard at 4:00 pm.
The postcard says to meet somewhere on 32nd Street prior to going to the photographing sight. That is incorrect. Those who want to go with the group to the billboard the day of the picture taking should meet at the Genealogy Center at 29th and Harvard at 4:00 pm.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Billboard to go up soon
A billboard will go up soon on the Broken Arrow Expressway near 15th Street. It will reference a U. S. Senator from Oklahoma: Thomas Gore. Gore was an atheist, and the billboard will refer to him as such. The billboard is scheduled to be up on either September 7 or September 8. Bill Sherman, religion editor of the local newspaper, interviewed me over the phone a few days ago about the billboard.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
June 2010 Calendar of Activities for Freethinkers
Sat., June 5, 7:00 pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 5607 E. 54th St.
Sun., June 6, 11:00 am
Humanist Sunday at Church of the Restoration, 1314 N. Greenwood.
Wed., June 16, 11:20 am
ALGAE luncheon, White River Fish Market, 1708 N. Sheridan.
Sat., June 19, 2 pm
HAT Chapter Meeting at Genealogy Center, 2901 S. Harvard.
Sat., June 26, 11:30 am
Food & Fellowship at Chopsticks, 6193 E. 61st.
Sun., June 27, 1 pm
Tulsa Atheists Meetup, at Agora Coffee House in Fontana Center.
If an Atheists Mid-Month Social is scheduled, I will notify the list of the day and time.
Questions? Call Randy (622-6975) or Dan (798-3629)
Sat., June 5, 7:00 pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 5607 E. 54th St.
Sun., June 6, 11:00 am
Humanist Sunday at Church of the Restoration, 1314 N. Greenwood.
Wed., June 16, 11:20 am
ALGAE luncheon, White River Fish Market, 1708 N. Sheridan.
Sat., June 19, 2 pm
HAT Chapter Meeting at Genealogy Center, 2901 S. Harvard.
Sat., June 26, 11:30 am
Food & Fellowship at Chopsticks, 6193 E. 61st.
Sun., June 27, 1 pm
Tulsa Atheists Meetup, at Agora Coffee House in Fontana Center.
If an Atheists Mid-Month Social is scheduled, I will notify the list of the day and time.
Questions? Call Randy (622-6975) or Dan (798-3629)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
FFRF Tulsa meeting 3.6.10
FFRF Tulsa held its first meeting today at the home of Bill Dusenberry and Jackie Martin in Broken Arrow. There were 13 people present.
The Savvy Convert's Guide to Choosing a Religion is the title of a tongue-in-cheek book written ostensibly to help people choose a religion. Of course, we all know that people do not choose their religion. They are born into a religion. While it is true that some people depart from the religion of their youth (I am one), most people continue in the religious tradition of their parents. Bill showed this book to those who arrived early.
What expectations might members of FFRF Tulsa have for the organization? This question was posed by Bill as he began talking about the newly formed chapter. He noted that HAT and TAM are primarily discussion groups. These group do a lot of talking, but do not do much in the way of actually pushing back at the conservative religious effort.
Bill noted that FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation) is the most agressive freethought organization in the nation today. They have shown the willingness to fight back with their many lawsuits. In order to fight back, money is required. We are hoping to be able to raise money with the efforts of FFRF Tulsa. If you are not part of the solution, said Bill, you are part of the problem.
Bill noted that Freethought Radio is now online. He urged us to tune in.
There are a number of projects which we need to get working on. Bill listed a few of these.
The "In Reason We Trust" license plate effort is underway. If we get 500 people willing to purchase such a plate, we can achieve this goal. If you have two cars in your family, the number is cut in half, assuming you buy two plates instead of just one. Bill noted that the Oklahoma Legislature approved a plate with the words "In God We Trust" on them. We have to get the word out to Progressives in Oklahoma about the plate. If All Souls Unitarian Church has 1000 members, surely we could get a long way toward 500 by informing the congregation of our plan. Bear in mind that Tulsa is just one city in Oklahoma. Factor in OKC, Norman, Lawton, Bartlesville, and suddenly the job of attaining 500 orders is doable.
Bill spoke of a story in today's paper about a Christian minister providing counseling services. He wondered what qualification the person had. Why cannot someone who is a freethinker not also be able to provide such a service? How about providing de-baptisms?
Several of us are already working on the Calendar project. We are aiming to produce a calendar which notes dates significant to freethinkers.
Bill plans to have at least two fundraising dinners at his house during this year. Others with enough space in their homes are invited to do likewise.
Funding for additional billboards may be available from FFRF.
Bill raised the possibility of chartering a bus to attend Skepticon III in Springfield this coming November. Having a bus would increase the potential of more poeople attending the conference. Many of the speakers at Skepticon II will be returning for Skepticon III. Additional fundraising ideas include the selling of mugs, t-shirts, ball caps, etc.
Also mentioned was the idea of writing to college faculty members in Tulsa County, letting them know of speakers we have available to address their classes.
Coming up soon will be the National Day of Prayer (May 6, this year). Randy spoke of the possibility of HAT doing something. This is yet to be worked out. Kenny was also enthusiastic about getting involved with a project related to the National Day of Reason (same day).
Steve Nunn spoke of connecting with the community. Kenny spoke of the potential of the Unitarian churches in the area. Many people associated with the UU denomination share values with us, such as belief in the separation of church and state.
Bill said that many people in Tulsa County may share our goals but would prefer to remain anonymous. They may be willing to fund our efforts, while remaining in the background. He told us of the funding of the billboard (still in place as of March 6) which states "Good With God? Millions Are." One wealthy individual who lives in Philadelphia decided to fund the placement of these billboards. That is how we got our billboard.
Officers were selected by the group. They include Steve Nunn, president; Randy Bradley, vice-president; Ron McDaniel, treasurer. Dues were set as follows: students, $10; individuals, $20; families, $30.
The Savvy Convert's Guide to Choosing a Religion is the title of a tongue-in-cheek book written ostensibly to help people choose a religion. Of course, we all know that people do not choose their religion. They are born into a religion. While it is true that some people depart from the religion of their youth (I am one), most people continue in the religious tradition of their parents. Bill showed this book to those who arrived early.
What expectations might members of FFRF Tulsa have for the organization? This question was posed by Bill as he began talking about the newly formed chapter. He noted that HAT and TAM are primarily discussion groups. These group do a lot of talking, but do not do much in the way of actually pushing back at the conservative religious effort.
Bill noted that FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation) is the most agressive freethought organization in the nation today. They have shown the willingness to fight back with their many lawsuits. In order to fight back, money is required. We are hoping to be able to raise money with the efforts of FFRF Tulsa. If you are not part of the solution, said Bill, you are part of the problem.
Bill noted that Freethought Radio is now online. He urged us to tune in.
There are a number of projects which we need to get working on. Bill listed a few of these.
The "In Reason We Trust" license plate effort is underway. If we get 500 people willing to purchase such a plate, we can achieve this goal. If you have two cars in your family, the number is cut in half, assuming you buy two plates instead of just one. Bill noted that the Oklahoma Legislature approved a plate with the words "In God We Trust" on them. We have to get the word out to Progressives in Oklahoma about the plate. If All Souls Unitarian Church has 1000 members, surely we could get a long way toward 500 by informing the congregation of our plan. Bear in mind that Tulsa is just one city in Oklahoma. Factor in OKC, Norman, Lawton, Bartlesville, and suddenly the job of attaining 500 orders is doable.
Bill spoke of a story in today's paper about a Christian minister providing counseling services. He wondered what qualification the person had. Why cannot someone who is a freethinker not also be able to provide such a service? How about providing de-baptisms?
Several of us are already working on the Calendar project. We are aiming to produce a calendar which notes dates significant to freethinkers.
Bill plans to have at least two fundraising dinners at his house during this year. Others with enough space in their homes are invited to do likewise.
Funding for additional billboards may be available from FFRF.
Bill raised the possibility of chartering a bus to attend Skepticon III in Springfield this coming November. Having a bus would increase the potential of more poeople attending the conference. Many of the speakers at Skepticon II will be returning for Skepticon III. Additional fundraising ideas include the selling of mugs, t-shirts, ball caps, etc.
Also mentioned was the idea of writing to college faculty members in Tulsa County, letting them know of speakers we have available to address their classes.
Coming up soon will be the National Day of Prayer (May 6, this year). Randy spoke of the possibility of HAT doing something. This is yet to be worked out. Kenny was also enthusiastic about getting involved with a project related to the National Day of Reason (same day).
Steve Nunn spoke of connecting with the community. Kenny spoke of the potential of the Unitarian churches in the area. Many people associated with the UU denomination share values with us, such as belief in the separation of church and state.
Bill said that many people in Tulsa County may share our goals but would prefer to remain anonymous. They may be willing to fund our efforts, while remaining in the background. He told us of the funding of the billboard (still in place as of March 6) which states "Good With God? Millions Are." One wealthy individual who lives in Philadelphia decided to fund the placement of these billboards. That is how we got our billboard.
Officers were selected by the group. They include Steve Nunn, president; Randy Bradley, vice-president; Ron McDaniel, treasurer. Dues were set as follows: students, $10; individuals, $20; families, $30.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
First FFRF Tulsa meeting
The first meeting of the Tulsa chapter of FFRF will be held in the home of Bill Dusenberry and Jackie Martin on Saturday, March 6, 2010, beginning at 2:00 pm. The location is 6018 W. Birmingham Circle in Broken Arrow. Their phone number is 918-615-6310. You can e-mail Bill at
To find the house, go south on Mingo and turn left into Burwick, 200 yards before reaching 111th St. Make the second right and go into the circle. Look for the house with the vacant lot on the right.
Agenda for this meeting
1. General discussion of goals and objectives
2. Nominations for chapter leadership positions
3. Remarks by the new president
The first meeting of the Tulsa chapter of FFRF will be held in the home of Bill Dusenberry and Jackie Martin on Saturday, March 6, 2010, beginning at 2:00 pm. The location is 6018 W. Birmingham Circle in Broken Arrow. Their phone number is 918-615-6310. You can e-mail Bill at
To find the house, go south on Mingo and turn left into Burwick, 200 yards before reaching 111th St. Make the second right and go into the circle. Look for the house with the vacant lot on the right.
Agenda for this meeting
1. General discussion of goals and objectives
2. Nominations for chapter leadership positions
3. Remarks by the new president
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Rebate received
Today in the mail, I received a check from FFRF for $100 -- our rebate for the Tulsa chapter. I was not present at the last meeting, which was held in early October 2009, and thus do not know if the organization has a treasurer. In addition to the check was correspondence from Annie Laurie listing the names and addresses of FFRF Tulsa members who are also members of FFRF national.
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