Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dinner with the Dusenberrys

This is a picture taken at our first ever gathering of FFRF members in the Tulsa area. There were an even dozen of us gathered for a Cajun dinner prepared by chef Kenny Nipp (wearing the blue band on the left). I sat across from Kenny (wearing the white shirt).
This dinner was also a fundraiser for FFRF Tulsa. By my calculation we raised $300. This should give us enough money to get going. Future fundraising dinners were talked about. If you support the goals of FFRF Tulsa, please e-mail me at hatulsa at aol dot com, and I will put you on the e-mail list.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Meeting tomorrow night (9.18.09)

There is going to be a meeting of the FFRF Tulsa chapter tomorrow evening at Bill Dusenberry's house, 6108 Birmingham Circle, Broken Arrow. This meeting is also a fundraising event. A Cajun meal will be prepared by Kenny Nipp, and participants are asked to pay $25 for the evening. We will review our "irons in the fire" and see where we want to go from here. The meeting will start at 7 pm.